The D2D Podcast: The Ultimate Door-to-Door Sales Training Show for Reps, Managers, and Business Owners

Sam Taggart - How to Build Emotional Resilience

Sam Taggart

There are fewer sayings than the adage “life is not a bed of roses”. This is most particular to the door-to-door sales world, where the biggest successes are birthed from the biggest sufferings. Emotional resilience is one of the most significant tools you need to succeed in a rejection-strewn sales world.

And this is what Sam Taggart teaches us in this podcast. Of course, Sam has had his rough share of life. There is no way you are building the businesses Sam has without having a thick skin.

In this podcast, Sam exposes us to life-transforming mental hacks to build your perseverance while increasing your pain threshold. Some of the nuggets you will learn include how to:


  • Overcome the emotional turmoil of rejection and yet try again
  • Maximize the transformative effect of pain, growing through affliction
  • Train your response system to be less emotionally spontaneous
  • Avoid forming systems of sustained negativity and how to be optimistic for opportunity
  • Enhance your awareness and seize larger control of your life


If you are tired of being emotionally fragile, here is the podcast for you!




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