The D2D Podcast: The Ultimate Door-to-Door Sales Training Show for Reps, Managers, and Business Owners

402: Optimize your Roofing and Home Improvement Services Sales w/ Shai Ades' Tips on Training, Motivation, Systems & Mentorship for Door-to-door Sales Business Growth | The D2D Podcast

Sam Taggart

Discover door-to-door sales strategies and home improvement insights in this detailed discussion with industry leader Shai Ades, author of “In Home Sales: How to Master One Call Close at The Kitchen Table” and founder of One Call Close Academy. 

In this episode, you’ll find effective techniques for roofing sales, solar sales, and other outdoor home services. Shai shares his journey in the home improvement industry, highlighting the importance of mentorship, systematic training, and the setter closer model. He discusses practical strategies for automating, delegating, and organizing your sales process to increase efficiency. From overcoming limiting beliefs to utilizing van groups for team motivation, Shai's insights are invaluable for anyone looking to excel in door-to-door sales and outdoor home improvement services.

You’ll find answer to questions such as:

  • What are the best door-to-door sales techniques?
  • How can I improve my door-to-door sales performance?
  • What is the setter closer model in door-to-door sales?
  • How do I generate leads for outdoor home improvement services?
  • How can removing limiting beliefs boost sales success?
  • What are effective training methods for door-to-door sales teams?
  • How can I upsell to existing customers in the home improvement industry?
  • What are the benefits of participating in masterminds and boot camps for sales professionals?

Get in touch with Shai: 

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So what was the big lift from half a million a month to three million a month? But I think the biggest thing was removing limiting beliefs. In the setter closer model that you're in, you use van groups, right? When you go out with a team, it's just like playing in sports. We have a manager in place kind of as an adult babysitter, right? That doesn't work for everybody. So you're really messing with your own psyche by throwing up wood, right? You got to strike when the iron is hot. It's got to be systematic. And we have guys closing at 60, 70%.

following the system. The power of masterminds is real, right? The day you stop learning, you start dying. There's no faster way to grow than to copy the blueprint of people that have already done it. You knew you were gonna grow it, but it was just one of those, how we speed up the process. And that's really what you get involved for door to door experts. It's really fun to watch other people grow. And it's very rewarding to me.

What's up, D2D Experts Podcast here. I have an author in the house. I have Shai Ades, the how to master, the one cause called clothes at the kitchen table. Good to see you, man. Good to see you. Thanks for having me. Yeah, great. Glad you're here. You're also a member of our, of our D2D tribe, our whole mastermind, everything. So let's kind of just, we'll get to the book here. We'll give you some, give you some love on the book. Let's get to...

What industry you're in, how long you've been in, how'd you find D2D experts, and kinda just tell a little bit of history and story. So tell us what you do. Absolutely, so I'm in the home service industry, home improvement, we sell roofing, lifetime warranty, paint and stucco, windows, patios, pavers, turf, solar, so everything on the exterior of the house. Been in the industry 15 years. What about bug spray? No bug spray, no bug spray. Do you clean pools? No pools. Okay, all right. Got everything else covered. Everything else covered. All right, now.

How long you been in the space? I've been in the space 15 years. And how long you been running your own shop? I've been running my own shop for about seven years now. Okay, all right. And so this is in sunny San Diego. Yeah. Okay, and so we started working together with D2D experts around around door to door console, January-ish. So how did you find us? So I've known about Sam Taggart for a while, been following him on social media, broke up with an ex-business partner last year and...

switched over to working with Ty. And we took the opportunity to say, hey, let's go to this door-to-door con, see what it's all about. I truly believe that being surrounded by like-minded people and having mentors and coaches is the fastest way to growth. So we went to it and then signed up for the circle right then and there at the event. Right on. And then we actually met that first night, I think the dinner we had afterwards, where

Well, it's a place we had tacos. It was like a Mexican place. Yeah. And then at the time, this business with Ty, I feel bad he's not in the room, but he didn't write a book. We give him love, though. We mentioned him. OK, we'll give him love. We'll give you love. That business is relatively new. When did you start with him? So we opened up those doors last week of May, 23. OK. And so you get to door-to-door con, monthly volume. What were you guys doing?

So I think by then we were doing five, 600,000 a month. Okay, and now? Now we're doing close to three million a month. There you've grown since we've talked last. Absolutely. Okay, so when I was out in San Diego last, we talked about, I mean, same number of lead setters, right? Roughly the same number of salespeople. So what was the big lift from half a million a month to three million a month? So between there, we did do one training class. So we increased our salesmen by about eight.

But I think the biggest thing was removing limiting beliefs, right? From myself and from Tyler, like everyone has their own limiting beliefs. And the minute we were able to be around people doing $100 million a year and $200 million a year, like you're like, wow, we're playing really small. So once we were able to open up our dreams and our possibilities, then we then transferred that onto our sales reps. And, you know, back then.

it was a great feat for reps to be doing over a hundred thousand a month. It was amazing for them to do 200,000 a month. And now we have reps doing over $300,000 a month and they're on their way to 400 and $500,000 a month as well. That's crazy. Yeah. Right. And so what were some of the limiting beliefs that you and Tyler kind of removed? Cause it was you, the two of you removed yours. Yeah. And, and then they just followed suit. So I mean, I think one of the biggest things we believe that we needed to have a lot more people.

to do the volume that we're currently doing instead of just putting our time into these guys, having them better equipped to go out to the field so that they can sell 300,000. Back then it was amazing for guys to do 300,000. Now it's kind of like, eh, they hit 300,000. So we're just raising the bar, raising the standard of what's possible. And it also translates to the income that they make. 150 grand was a lot of money then. Now we have guys that wanna make 400 and $500,000. Same industry.

same pay structure and everything. Now what about your lead cap, roughly the same? Roughly the same, yeah. So we get about 17 to 25 leads a day depending on the day. We know that's the biggest thing that we need to raise in order to do our volume. If we had 40, 50 leads a day, I'm positive we'd be doing four or $5 million a month right now. Right, and in the setter closer model that you're in, you use van groups, right? So...

people are listening here in the industry, some of them use Vans, some of them don't. Why did you decide to go that route and what are the pros and cons of it? So to me, one of the biggest pros is we have a meeting every single day, right? So versus guys that just have territory, they drive from their house out to the field, you're cold, you're not warm, you're not excited, you're on your own. If they had a fight with their wife, they're in a bad mood. If they don't feel like going to work, they hesitate. Versus with us, they come 11 o'clock, we have a sales meeting for 30 minutes.

We do power resulting off yesterday's results. If there's a bunch of one legs, we do role play on one legs. If there's a bunch of no shows, we do a lot of training on creating need and urgency so homeowners are home. And then when you go out with a team, it's just like playing in sports or anything versus being on a team versus an individual sport. There's a comradery, there's an energy. If you're not in the mood by the time you leave the meeting, you're in the mood, right? And then the biggest one for us as owners is that we have a manager in place.

kind of as an adult babysitter, right? When you have guys by themselves out in the field, you don't know what they're doing. They tell you they're working or they may be, they may be sitting under a tree, but we go out in teams and the team sticks together and we have a live feed where everyone gets a text every single time someone gets the lead. So that just pumps you up. If this guy is doing it, if JP has two today, I gotta get four, right? So it creates that competition within the van and then they get to come back together.

and they get to kind of, you know, an after action review. How was your day? How many leads did you get? How could you have gotten more? Was the objection you heard the most today? And it lets them, you know, kind of feed off each other. If someone keeps getting stumped by the same objection, when you're in a car group with six other guys, you can tell them, hey, what do you say when they tell you I got a guy? And what do you say? And then, you know, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You get to plagiarize the lines that work for other people. So I know people who are watching are probably thinking, okay, but you know.

how do you pay those, and I know you pay people for the car ride, right? So we don't wanna get in the complexity of differential equations and how compensation in door to door is, but you pay them for the meeting, for the car ride to and from. We pay them from 11 to seven o'clock. They get to the office at 11, we get back from the field at seven o'clock, and they get to go home. So they're paid hourly from 11 to seven every single day. Okay, and that obviously helps the come to the office, get in the car, and they don't have to use their own car, they don't have to use their own gas.

You do get to control those car rides. That's great. And Hank, you're close to two vans. You have two vans now? We have two vans. We have a 15 passenger van, and we have a seven passenger van. And we're on our way to buy another seven passenger van. That was your wife's converted minivan? That was my wife's converted minivan. So there we go. All right, so now you sell many things on the doorstep, right? And so that doesn't work for everybody. No. Because it's a lot. It's confusing.

Talk to me how you've trained your reps to walk up to a home and not be the, you know, open up the jackets and I'll watch kind of salesperson, right? How do they read the situation to decide what they're gonna knock? Absolutely, so knocking as opposed to telemarketing, you get to be there live in person. So you get to physically see the house. So we teach them seven things to look for on a roof. Blown out ridge caps, missing shingles, exposed fiberglass mesh, too many layers, et cetera, et cetera.

So they always start from the top down. So if they look at the roof and the roof's in good condition, then they go to the paint. Is it peeling, chipping, cracking? Is there stud cracks? Is there still plate damage? Is there dry rot, termite damage? If that's okay, then they go to the windows. Do they have missing windows, broken windows, missing seals, foggy windows, whatever it may be. So even though we sell other products, we only let the canvassers canvas for those three products because those are need to haves. We can create a lot of urgency.

especially as a one call close for our sales reps. If you have a leak in your roof, we can get you to buy a roof versus turf and pavers. Those are nice to have, right? There's not that much urgency on your dead grass that's been dead already. It's you want to have nice grass. You want to have turf. So we call those more reload products, meaning once we sell one of our core products, roof paint windows, then they can go back and reload those nice to have products. Salespeople go back, not the setters. Yes. So the setters just create the appointment always for the next day or even same day.

and then we send sales reps the next day, they know they're going to see Tom and Nancy four o'clock for a roof lead or paint lead or whatever it may be. So let's talk about the same day culture. In this industry, it's all about speed to lead and then the show percentage or the demo percentage of those leads and we all know, if I talk to you on a Monday to set an appointment, if I set the appointment on Friday.

You're not going to be there. You'll be lucky to be there Monday night, let alone Tuesday. But every single day, there's a percentage drop off. Yes, the quality of the setter, the conversation. There's a lot of things that could change that factor. Really, really good people can set a two-day out appointment and have no problem. But somebody knocks a door and they can't do today or next day what you don't even allow them to set past. So we let them allow 72 hours out. After 72 hours, we still let them set it.

However, we also have a confirmation department in between. So every single lead that a door knocker sets up goes into our CRM and they get talked to on the phone because we know door to door guys are hustlers, they're just trying to get appointments. So we scrub it through the funnel with a confirmer to make sure there's a need, there's urgency, both homeowners are gonna be there and they set the stage. If the lead is set out more than 72 hours out, we will talk to them on the phone again.

And if we can't get you today's Tuesday, you set up an appointment for Friday, we can't get you on the phone Wednesday or Thursday, we're not running that lead. Do the appointment centers get bothered about that? Cause I, you know, some people that, you know, don't call my leads or that was a good lead, or do they just learn not to set that far out? They learn not to set it out. And we just, that's how they're taught. So they don't know any different and it's never really been a complaint. And

If the lead, like you said, if the lead's real and you set up for Friday, it's gonna call and confirm. Because we also coach the guy to tell them that the confirm is gonna be calling, right? Because most people, if they don't know the phone number, they're gonna ignore all day the phone calls. But we coach you, hey, in the next five to 10 minutes, your phone's gonna ring, that's my office. If you don't answer the phone, there's no appointment and they're gonna send me back to knock on your door. It's a polite threat to answer the phone. Now we had you trade on our mastermind call.

last week or the week before, and it was great. The content was flowing, and I think we had to turn you off because it was just, people had more questions and it was just more and more content. So I know that you are a very systematic trainer, which obviously helps your salespeople and your appointment setters to kind of follow the process. When you're setting 17 to 25 new appointments a day, you probably set 50 if you allowed further out stuff. Do you feel people are...

not setting the appointment because they know it's not gonna confirm. They're not setting crappy leads, which happens a lot in this industry where you get the lead just so you say you got the lead, but everybody knows that's not showing up. But they know the confirmation process, so they don't set crap. A lot of times, absolutely, we tell them, you can't take the claps to the bank. So if you're taking, writing up leads to get claps at the meeting the next day, go to Wells Fargo, go to US Bank, tell them, hey, here's my claps, pay me. It's not gonna happen, right? And I also tell them more than anything,

you're messing up your own head. Because in your head, you think you have three appointments for tomorrow, two of them are wood, they're not gonna go anywhere. So you just pump the brakes, because you're like, I'm cool, I got three for tomorrow. Instead of, I have one real appointment, let me go get two, three more, so I have a full day. So you're really messing with your own psyche by throwing up wood. And your sellers get paid some commission on those sales, which is why they're thinking like that. Talk to me about, you call them reloads, these are basically upsell opportunities where you sell me a roof.

When do your salespeople and how do their salespeople approach those past customers to sell them something else? Absolutely. So we start seeding the reload in the original sale. Of course. So we start talking about them. Our presentation shows them that we sell a lot of other products. And a lot of times the homeowner is, oh, I didn't know you sell windows. Oh, I didn't know you did this. Right. Day of the tear off for a roof. We send our reps back to go do an inspection of the tear off with the homeowner. Plus we can't see the wood.

and we tell our homeowner very upfront that there's going to be an upcharge for the wood. However, it's not fair for me to charge you for 100 feet if you have 10. It's not fair to us to charge you for 10 if you have 100. So I'm going to come back the day of the tear off, measure the wood in front of you, and you will have to pay for the wood replacement. At that time, we take the opportunity to look at the attic, say, hey, you're missing insulation, or hey, I noticed you guys don't have any gutters, or we replaced your fascia boards.

If you don't put any paint or something to protect that fascia board, you're going to have a termite infestation. So let me grab my kit, go inside, show you an exterior paint product, and we sell it right then and there. You've got to strike when the iron is hot. We take people from a non-home improvement state of mind into a home improvement state of mind. It's very exciting. It's like buying a new car. When you buy a new car, you go tint the windows, you put the sound system, you put the rims. When the car is four years old, you're just thinking about getting rid of it. You're not going to put any money into it. So

I like, especially like with our finance jobs, I tell them, you guys got to start reloading before the bill gets there in the mail. Because once the bill gets there, all they're thinking about is the bill to pay for this stuff. So you got to upload or reload everything before the bills come. How do you put that on their calendar? Because there's a lot of appointments, your volume has grown from half a million to three million a month, your sales people are busy, they're on lots of appointments, you have all the home improvement projects going on.

how does a salesperson know that there's a tear off that day? Cause half their day could be going to different. Yeah, so we have a CRM and anytime we put notes, we have a production department that does all the job fulfillment for them. They don't have to do any scheduling or anything like that and they get tagged in it so they know. We also have a dispatcher that gives you your leads all day long. So your would upsell or your walk around will just be one of your leads. Okay. Also we start leads at 10 a.m. So we try and do a lot of the walk around stuff at eight and nine in the morning.

so that you don't miss another opportunity on goal, reloading your other customer. We also have like 10 o'clock spots, a lot of appointments are at two o'clock, five and six o'clock. So like, if you get out of your 10 at 12 31, we'll set you up for a one o'clock before your two o'clock or we'll set you up for a four o'clock and then let you run your six o'clock. So we work with the guys so that they don't have to miss new opportunities to go back. But a lot of the times they would rather go back to their customers.

because they already know, hey, I'm going to go sell this guy $25,000 paint job instead of going to some guy they've never met before. So when I look at my schedule for Thursday and there's seven appointments or five appointments, three of them could be knocked yesterday and two of them could be installs or something that's going on. And so that's just put on their calendar. So it's managed that. You also don't get your schedule for the full day. We only give our reps one lead at a time. So tonight at nine o'clock, you're going to get your morning lead tomorrow morning.

you will run that morning lead. And then if it's a no-show, you'll call the dispatcher, let them know it's a no-show. If you're in house and you don't sell at two hours later, you're gonna call, give us the measurements, their highest price, your lowest price and the objection. If you sell, you're gonna call us after and let us know everything that went on with it. Reason we do that is you can go to a 10 o'clock and I can give you a one o'clock too, but you're at your 10 o'clock, they bring out the photo album, you're there till 2.30, you missed your one o'clock appointment. Or you can go to your 10 o'clock, it's a no-show.

And then we have another rep down the street at 11 o'clock, go join him and make some money. So a lot of times we do double up our reps in house. So that how do you control? Do you have customers windows then? Like I would be here between 11 and one. No, just because we like so far we haven't been in a situation where there's 16 10 o'clock leads. We have 16 reps and there's not 16 one o'clock. So we can issue the 10 o'clock and the one o'clock. And as they get out, we start issuing the afternoon.

and covering all the appointments. So that's quite a juggling act for your scheduler. Yeah, so that's her sole job is to do the scheduling. So she's she can't get sick. She can't get sick. That would be that would be yes. I once had I once had a woman who was eight months pregnant, scheduling a thousand thousand leads a week. That's a feat. And I was like, wait, we probably need to figure something out here. So fortunately, she was a stone cold killer. And after after.

She didn't, after she gave birth, she was like back to work like two weeks later. So it was like two weeks of like all hands on deck. And then the rest of the time, we just gave her praise of how difficult that is to schedule all those appointments. What's up guys, Sam Taggart here. Pardon the interruption. I'm gonna throw this out there. We have launched a mastermind called The League. It's for sales leaders and top performers that wanna go level up. We decided that proximity is power and every single high level person is gonna say, your network is your net worth.

And if you're not somebody investing in community, learning, events, rubbing shoulders with the best, you're missing out because it's only one idea, one little relationship, one prospect away that could literally change the trajectory of your sales, your business, your team, et cetera. Whether you're a business owner, we have programs for you, down to a brand new rep, we have programs for you. Click the link, schedule a demo, and learn more about our league and where you might fit in and what division that that would be. We have...

Hundreds of people that were helping and serving in many different aspects with different experts, different experiences, but the reality is, is come run with the best in the league. Go to and schedule your demo today. All right, so let's talk a little bit about the book. In Home Sales, How to Master One Call Closed at the Kitchen Table, where was the Love, the Passion project, why did you decide to write a book? So.

My wife, my queen has been telling me to do public speaking forever that I should be teaching this stuff. When I broke up with my ex-business partner, I started One Call Closed Academy, which is basically consulting on how to do One Call Closed. I started the book five years ago, wrote like two pages. And then the time in between my old business and helping tie out with this and consulting with him, I started writing the book. And in two months, the book was written.

And you asked the guys that we train, like it's literally our training in paper, like step by step, by step, by step. If you sat in one of our two week training classes, like it's right there, 152 pages. So, so it's all my, it's all my bed stand, but there's another book on top of it that I'm currently reading. So I'm almost there. So you're almost there. I haven't, I haven't, I haven't read it yet. And having watched you train and have been to your office and listen to you do have a very systematic way of doing things, which can,

For some people that doesn't want, the innovators of the world is like, there's always three ways to do it. There is. But for some of us, I think me and you are very similar here. I only do it one way. And if it works for me, it works for me. It doesn't work for me. I'll go find my next person that works for. So, uh, talk a little about why for you keeping it simple of this is, I mean, you can, fact, you can write your approach in a book and say, here it is. You know, some people's brain can't get, get, cause then when you're done, you're like, well, I kind of do it differently sometimes, right? And it's not the exact truth, right? So,

How, in your way, when you train people, why is it important that you just give them, here's the ABCs on how to do it, and what's the success of that? One is because it works. In 15 years, we've produced hundreds of millions of dollars in sales. Two, it's gotta be systematic because we're training so many guys, and if everybody pitches a different way, what are you doing in the sales meeting? Yesterday, I had Miguel come to the Airbnb and we had four of our reps here.

And I told them, you know, set the stage, set the stage. And they're all verbatim, almost, you know, like militant. And that's our system and it's what works. And then when you have everybody together at a meeting, you can go over your system and everyone's picking it up. Just like today, you showed us the seven steps, right? So I have 10 steps. And if they all follow these steps, then we can do training, we can do power resulting. But if everyone pitches completely different and some guys have no system whatsoever, they wing it every time is different, like, you know, how do you play?

You know, if LeBron James practice is shooting free throws right handed with a coach and then in the game, he shoots left handed. What's the point of the coach? Right. Right. So it's got to be systematic so you can work on it. And we have guys closing at 60, 70 percent following the system. Yeah. And the the value of having a structure is because, yeah, I got taught seven steps of making a sale today at our boot camp. And we know that once you get into a home and you're building rapport, that rapport can bring out the photo album. Right. And you start.

like, oh boy, this is going to go, what's my step two? Right? I got to identify a general problem. And so you have to transition from what you're doing to the next step. And so when you get off target, because there's the ideal pitch when you get into a home, but then the customer just takes it a different way, but you have to know where you're going next. How do I get back to step three? What is the flow of my pitch? Exactly. I don't need you to be a robot and I don't give them sentence per sentence, but we give them a flow of the pitch. What happens next?

So they can free think and have that conversation and pet the dog and here comes the little boy and talk to the son and then they know where to go. But if you're worried about what comes next, what comes next, it's a lost cause. Yeah, it's a roadmap. It gets you, you're doing the family planning on a map on for a vacation. You know where you're gonna stay every night. You don't know where you're gonna eat every day. You don't pick, right? So that's kind of the steps. All right, so let's talk about the value for you and...

Tyler of joining our mastermind. You're here for a bootcamp. You brought some of your guys this time. So you were here, I think, initially in January. You stayed after Dora Dora Con, is that right? No. You went back and then you came back for- And then we came back for the February one. I mean, we've been to every single one this year, I believe. Right. And so now your guys, I just was told that your guys- They all joined the league. Yeah, they all joined our, we have two masterminds here at D2D Experts, the Circle, which is for business owners and CEOs, and then what we call the league for our sales managers and sales reps.

And obviously they're making the money to support that decision. And we already know what's going to happen, right? They're going to elevate. They're going to get in. They're probably already competing in our competitions. They compete. They're in the NKL. OK, how they doing? They're doing well. Did you lose or win the the first one? The first one they won. They won. They won. What's it called? The first one? Not Survivor. That's the one in the fall. Not in National.

I'm blanking on it. The grit? No, the... Yeah, the grit. They won the grit. Which are contests we put on as for our Mastermind members, especially for people that aren't institutionalized. You have one sales team, right? You have one organization. And yeah, they can compete against their buddies, but allowing them to compete against roofers in Georgia or roofers in Texas, that was the whole... Absolutely. Instead of competing against each other, they rise together as a team, support each other to go knock out these guys they've never even met before. Okay.

So let's talk about the commitment to be, now not all of our mastermind members come to every event. And when we have people join our masterminds, what I tell our team constantly is people join for different reasons. Sure. Some people literally join just for the contest, the competitions, because those three competitions will drive their sales enough to three, four X, pay for the cost of the mastermind. Some people come because they actually need education. And so they come to an event, they come to our sales bootcamp that we're having and they learn or they bring some people.

What did you think you were going to get out of the mastermind personally? And now you've come to every event. What are you getting out of it? So what I thought I was going to get really at first was, you know, to meet the famous Sam Taggart, you know, that's what drew me to it. And then, you know, I've learned through I'm also in a real estate mastermind. What I've gained from that, like the power of masterminds is real, right? Being around like minded people, people that are, like we said earlier, doing 100, 200, 300 million dollars a year.

I mean, there's something to be learned from that. You know, if you pretend to know it all and don't seek more information, then you're dying. The day you stop learning, you start dying. So to me, it was just to continue to learn. For me, it's reinforced a lot of how much I already do know, you know, not to sound cocky or anything, but like I've been doing it 15 years and the support that I get from you guys, like on the book and my trainings and my social has been amazing. And I think the biggest one for me, it's every month or two months when you see these guys, you just...

go rejuvenated into your business, into the consulting company, into title. And you get new ideas. We have you, talking to you every couple of weeks, rejuvenizes me. It gives me energy to then go pour into my other people. So masterminds in general, right? I think there's different levels. Our circle mastermind is for business and CEOs, and we do business and CEOs, and we do, we just had the deep dive, and I'm assuming you went out to North Carolina. Yeah, North Carolina. And there was no sales.

talk at all. That was all mindfulness Tracy and I gave a whole thing on biohacking, but what we left with that was just as valuable as coming to a sales summit. And I was pissed. I had flights. And then after kind of baseball show, I knew you had, I'm like, JP's not here, baseball turned to baseball. All three of them had turned, like there was nothing on the calendar. And all of a sudden I'm like, that's 12 games for my wife. And we can't do this. And I don't like missing, I'm missing tomorrow, by the way, I'm missing.

I'm missing some games. But you got your app. You got your app to watch. But I'll be training. I'll be training all day. So Friday I'll be missing games, but I'll catch them on Saturday. But the point is I had to cancel my flight and not go. And it's all mindfulness. I was super stoked for that whole thing. But we pay for the venue. We bring in all the speakers, our mastermind members. They just gotta get there and we provide that value. We do that four times a year for our circle mastermind. And then you get unlimited access to coming to all our boot camps throughout the year here at the event. So you've been to everything.

you knew the value of a mastermind from being a real estate mastermind. So the decision was easy for you, where others who were watching this are like, I always wanted to be in a mastermind, but the five or 10 or 20 or 100 or 30, whatever it's going to cost always kind of limits people's thinking. And I think there's an entry level price point of masterminds for everybody. It's kind of like, I don't have any tattoos because I know if I get one, I'll probably have a hundred, right? Cause I hear once you get one tattoo, you get, it's, it's kind of this addictive thing. And I think the same thing goes for masterminds. So for people who are listening to this, that

are now thinking, well, that guy, you know, he's in multiple masterminds, that costs a lot of money. What would you tell those people on those are hesitating to join? Don't, don't have to join ours, right? Like join something around like-minded people so you can kind of elevate yourself. What would you tell those people? Do it. I mean, if you have any inkling, you know, then you know you have to go where there's smoke, there's fire, right? And if you're having inkling to join a mastermind or you've been hesitating and you've been playing around with the idea, then

that's your signal to go. That's the most important thing. You know, yesterday we're hiking up a hill and they said, whatever comes up to you, whatever pain, you gotta lean into it and think about it. It's telling you something. So if you are looking for growth, there's no faster way to grow than to copy the blueprint of people that have already done it. And that's what masterminds do. You don't have to figure it out on your own. You know, people have been around for a long time. There's very few new business ideas, right? So find people that you...

like, find people that are ethical, find people that you want to be like, and jump in with two feet. Yeah, one of the benefits I have here is I get to pick those customers or clients that sign up for consulting, right? I do a discovery call for everybody. And as long as it meets my skill set, I get to decide whether or not I want to work with that group or not. Because as you know, there's some people you've probably consulted, you're like, I can't believe I'm doing this. And they could pay me five times.

but they're paying me now and I'm not gonna do it again, just because it's just a hard, they don't- Pulling teeth. Yeah, they don't get it or they don't have the same thing. So one of the things I noticed about you and Tyler, people ask me, when you go consult companies, what are you really doing? And I think I've told you this, I just take really smart people that are really, really good at what they do and just find the one pebble in the shoe and remove it. And it's-

Sometimes the most simple, simple things, I know our last conversation was like, I think I asked, well, how do you control the car ride to and from the hood? And you're like, what? No, that was massive. That was massive. We came up with a plan and a day of the week, what they have to talk about each week, and it's working. Right, and it's just like, that's what we do as consultants at DDE Experts is, these guys are 15 years, started a new business, new partner with Tyler, and you knew you were gonna grow it, but it was just one of those

How we speed up the process is like, well, these guys are really, really good, you know, as a baseball example, but they're overstriding. They're just doing one thing that they didn't know. And part of being from Utah, just kind of inbred into, I'm not from Utah, California, but being in the industry is there's just certain things that you always do when you run sales meetings is you just assume everybody knows. And in your guys' scenario, it was such a low-hanging fruit. It's like, I always go back to that old man who gets...

called in to fix this boiler in this room. And he goes and he looks at it and he hits it with a hammer and it fixes it. And he sends a bill for $10,000. Have you heard of this thing? I have not. Okay, so he sends a bill for $10,000 and they go $10,000. So they say, please send an itemized invoice. And he says, use of hammer, $3. Knowing where to hit, 9,997. Love it. Right, and that's really what you get involved for Door to Door Experts for is it's...

not a heavy lift for the right people. It's like, oh, they're really good at 95%. They're just missing the one thing that's gonna cause our business to explode. And so you guys are really, really good and I have no doubt you're gonna go from three million and beyond. But back to the mastermind topic. So your guys show up and I don't, they just today at lunch, they joined our elite mastermind, which is a little bit different than our circle piece, where they're gonna get some like-minded.

coaching and experience being an elite, if anything, what are you gonna tell them on how to maximize that time in that group? Participate. The biggest one, I was on the call last week and did some training for you guys. There was maybe 30 people on there and I'm sure you guys have a couple hundred in it. So a lot of people are missing the opportunity to get that spark of energy. You start the call at 7 a.m. California time.

And before you go out to the field, like there's no way you're not going to do better that day and the rest of that week without being on that call. Even a lot of times you may not hear something new, but it's a reminder, you know, every now and then Kobe Bryant, LeBron James had to go back to basics. Right. They know how to shoot. They know what they're doing. What did I just see the number two pick in the NBA draft just that no points. He was oh for 17 from the field and no from seven for three or something like.

He's still the number two pick. He's still gonna have a great career. For sure. Right? And he can have bad days. I mean, catch off on that, but the participation piece, right? So yeah, we do have a couple hundred people in our different masterminds, but people do come for different things, right? Some people come for those calls. Some people come from the deep dive. Some people come for the competitions we run. So you're gonna tell your guys to participate. What else are you gonna tell them to do to stay involved?

I mean, a lot of it will be to be on the calls, to participate, to compete. I'm also gonna tell them to take what they learn and bring it to the rest of the guys. You know, we have 16 more, we have 16 reps, or it's only four of them. So I'm very confident that once these four come back on fire to the office on Thursday.

and share with everyone what's going to happen. There's going to be a couple more that trickle in. Maybe we should set up a commission structure for them. So they go back. I mean, 100%. And then when you go to Mexico, I'm going to have to close the office for the week because my whole sales team is going to be in Mexico with you guys. That would be awesome. Yes, I don't know. Well, then we'd have to get your setters to enjoin too, because then they can't work that way. Exactly. So I don't want to cost you money. All right, so what's next? So we're, what, middle of July here. I don't know when this will air. But we're middle of July.

You're having an exceptional year, right? Probably above your wildest dreams. What's next? So we're gonna open another office in Temecula and we have a partner that they're gonna do that. I will consult them on that. And- So we're going forward with that. Yeah, we're moving forward with that. I'd love to hear. I know last time I was out, I felt like I was telling people that Easter Bunny wasn't real or something. Yeah, no, we figured it out and it's really good. We're really excited about it. We were talking a little bit about it with Sam.

and we'll discuss it and continue to grow at this office, continue to grow that office, see how it goes. And then who knows how many offices we'll have in a couple of years. But you know, right now we have 16 sales reps in Carlsbad. We want to get that to 40 to 50 reps and then spread the same love to the Temecula office and just continue to grow, continue to excel. My passion is taking ordinary people, making them extraordinary as you've read in the book or will read in the book.

It's also a lot of fun to consult. You know, I have a lot of guys from even the circle that are calling me how to get into retail. Most of, a lot of your companies are insurance or a hundred percent retail. So just giving them a little bit of a playbook and things that are very obvious to you and I, other people don't do. I'm like, you guys don't have a pitch. You guys don't have a Rolodex. You guys don't have before and after picture. It's not on paper. You don't have it written down. Exactly. So it's like things that I've been doing for 15 years, other people aren't doing. And it's really fun to watch other people grow.

And it's very rewarding to me. So a lot of just consulting and helping other people. And I think it's one of the biggest fulfilling things that I do besides raising my children. Very well. There's nothing better than that. So, um, so how do they follow you? How do people who are listening to go, Hey, that guy was pretty cool. I want to follow him. You mentioned you have a Facebook group. So I have a Facebook group called one call clothes Academy. Um, there's a lot of training on my Instagram, just Shai S H A I obvious a D E S my first and last name. So between, uh, the Facebook group.

and the Instagram, I mean, it's all pretty much right there. And you probably should just come join the circle to hang out with them. So here's the book right here. In-home sales, how to master one call close at the kitchen table. Glad you're in here today, man. Thank you so much, man. It was a pleasure. I will see you next time.